What Follows
after I AM
Language Translator
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The Importance of What Follows after I AM
The Power of I AM Teaching Series: Session 2
Do you see and understand the importance of what follows after your I AM declarations? You have been granted with the Power of I AM. You must realize what follows after I AM will manifest itself? We are the spiritual farmer that plants these positive or negative seeds into the atmosphere. Every farmer must know that what is planted will germinate into the image and likeness of the seed that was planted. Apple seeds produce apple trees. They don’t produce turnips. What you attached to your I AM is a thought and seed that will produce a crop. A positive thought connected to your I AM will always produce a positive and productive crop. A negative thought connected to your I AM will produce a negative crop.
The secret of success is to always start each day off early with your declarations of positive affirmations and continue throughout the day. It is not enough to say I AM blessed. You must declare I AM blessed and be prepared to receive your blessings. Amen
This is the Law of Faith and the Law of Seed-time and Harvest. Your understanding, acceptance, and trust in God for these two laws are guarantees from the Father that your I AM declarations will overtake you and they will manifest. Amen.
Romans 12:3: For l say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
The Law of Sowing and Reaping
The Law of Sowing and reaping is a spiritual law implemented by God and it affects everyone equally. It also affects everything in our lives, whether they realize it or not. If you do not understand this spiritual law you need to study about farming concepts. Farmers understand the law of sowing and reaping. They plant specific seeds to get specific crops and harvests. They do not plant corn seed to get cabbage. They understand that whatever they sow, is exactly what they reap. This is a spiritual law as well as a natural physical law.
I attached six short videos that I want you to review on the Power of the words you sow into the atmosphere. There is something powerful and unique to learn from each video. You have the option to view one or all of six videos. Click on the play button to review each video. Once you have reviewed the video, please proceed to the Session Conclusion.
Session Conclusion
This concludes this session. This is one part of this three-part session about The Power of I AM Series. Our three sessions are listed below. It is your choice to go to either session. It will depend on what session you started first. Please proceed to one of the following:
The Power of I AM Teaching Series
Session 1: The Power of I AM Discusses the importance of understanding that as a child of the King that you have the authority to declare the Power of I AM.
Session 2: The Importance of What Follows after I AM. Discussing what you attach to your I AM declaration will manifest and follow you.
Session 3: Reap Your I AM Harvest. This session focuses on the point of reaping your spiritual I AM Harvest.
*We appreciate sharing this meal with you from our Father’s Table. Please proceed to either session below. You are doing what Apostle Paul says in (2 Timothy 2:15). Thank you in advance. It is our prayer that this session was a blessing to you. Amen
What is Next for You?
The Power of I AM
Session 1

Session 2

You Are Here
Session 3

Words from Our Pastor : We Are Looking for Members to Join Our Team
We are proud to say that we are in sixty-three countries around the world. Our members want to stand in agreement with you in your assignment serving and blessing God’s people. Help us spread the gospel by sharing our website with others. www.iamforchrist.org. If you are interested in joining our team, go to our membership page. https://www.iamforchrist.org/about-us/i-am-for-christ-certificate-program/ We will be proud to add you to our team.
We pray and hope that our site has been a blessing to you and your ministry. You have the authority from God to declare, decree and to connect your I AMs to the power of God. It is meaningless if you do not do what God has authorized you to do! Be blessed and remember that you are a child of the King. God has given you the Power to speak your I Am(s) into reality. Amen
Don’t forget to visit our other pages on our site by going to the top of our page or by clicking on the picture icons below. Please help us share the gospel by sharing our site with family and friends. God will bless you if you do. Thank you in advance.
Lloyd C. Glover
Lloyd C. Glover
Pastor, I AM for Christ Ministries
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