Prepare,Declare and Reap Your I AM Harvest
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Prepare, Declare and Reap Your I AM Harvest
The Power of I AM Teaching Series: Session 3
Just like a farmer prepares the soil for his harvest; you too must prepare the atmosphere to receive your spiritual seeds of I AMs. You must prepare, declare, and reap your I AM harvest. Your I AM seeds produce a spiritual harvest. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest that He will receive your seeds in the atmosphere and that He will make your I AM declarations your reality.
The Holy Spirit drop this into my spirit. When you spiritually decree or declare something into the atmosphere, and you attach the Power of I AM before it. You are announcing to our ABBA Father your kinship to Him as his own. God will hear and respond to your faith. Believe in the Laws of Faith and the Laws of Seed Time and Harvest and believe like the farmer with the expectations that your I AM harvest will come in due season. Amen
So What is the Law of Faith and the Law of Seed Time and Harvest?
Law of Faith: Trusting in God’s promises, even without physical evidence, guiding one’s spiritual journey. Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
Law of Seed Time and Harvest: The principle of sowing actions and reaping corresponding results. Genesis 8:22 “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
What are the Spiritual Benefits of the Law of Faith and the Law of Seed Time and Harvest?
Lets talk about the spiritual benefits of these Laws:
Law of Seed Time and Harvest:
Patience and Perseverance: Teaches that hard work and dedication will eventually yield results, encouraging patience.
Gratitude and Mindfulness: Fosters a deeper appreciation for the fruits of one’s labor and the importance of each action taken.
Hope and Positivity: Reinforces a positive mindset by focusing on future rewards.
Law of Faith:
Inner Peace: Trusting in a higher power provides a sense of peace and reduces anxiety.
Strength and Resilience: Faith can be a powerful source of strength in facing life’s challenges.
Community and Connection: Encourages a sense of belonging and support within a faith community.
Both principles offer a rich tapestry of spiritual and practical benefits.
Here are four bible verses that are critical to the fact that God hears and will respond to you: (1) 1 John 5:14-15 says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” (2) John 16:24 says, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (3) Jeremiah 29:12-13; “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” and (4) Jeremiah 33:3 says, “call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things you do not know.”
Always remember to start your day off early by praying and thanking God. Declare and decree the Law of seed time and harvest over your I AMs. It is important to ask God to prepare the atmosphere to receive and to cultivate your spiritual seeds. Declare your positive I AMs into the atmosphere. Your mission is to cultivate, protect and watch your harvest grow. Amen.
Your Words are Your I AM Seeds
Words are like seeds, once you sow them into the soil or atmosphere, they begin the life cycle or germination process for their intended purpose. Apple seeds become apple trees. Declaring that you are blessed is what you become. When we speak our I AM declarations, we are giving life to what we are saying. We are going to get exactly what we are speaking. Words that we have sown in the past has formed our today’s success or failures. Words spoken by us have became or will become a self fulfilling prophecy. You are what you say you are. You become what you say and believe that you are.
(Proverbs 18:21) says that “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. Listen to what you say about yourself, your situation or about other. Negative thoughts don’t need to become negative words. The moment you speak something outright it takes on a whole new meaning and a whole new purpose.
Listen to what (Isaiah 55:11) says “so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it”. This is why it is so important as a believer of faith and as a child of the Most High King that we must be careful on what we say after we declare I AM (that). Our I AM declarations positive or negative has the power of life and death. So declare wisely. Amen
You Have the Power to Declare I AM That ……………
Let me pray to God, Jesus you are the Great I AM and the Lord of the Harvest. I AM sewing my I AM seeds by faith into the atmosphere. I AM praying and asking you Lord to receive my I AM seeds and for your supernatural intervention in making my I AMs my reality. Lord, I thank you in advance for what you are about to do in my life. I love you Jesus. I AM your precious child. Amen.
Start Your Day off with God with Your I AM Declarations!
Father God,
I AM your child; I AM a beneficiary of the Cross of Calvary, I AM covered with the precious blood of Jesus, I AM forgiven; not forgotten, I AM thankful that you have authorized and have empowered me to declare the Power of I AM over my life, I AM What you say that I AM, I AM what you created me to be.
I AM saved by your grace and mercy, I AM thankful and eternally blessed because of your unfailing and unconditional love and the price you paid for me, I AM made in the image and likeness of God, I AM a miracle. I AM fearfully and wonderfully made, I AM your workmanship, I AM a sinner saved by grace. Lord you are the Potter and I AM the clay.
Holy Spirit,
I AM sealed by you for the day of redemption, I AM filled and baptized by your Holy Spirit, I AM blessed by the Gifts and Fruits of your Spirit. I AM here ready, willing and able, lead me send me Lord. I will follow your directions. I AM under the spiritual Laws of Faith and the Law of Seed-time and Harvest, I AM a Sower; what I plant into the atmosphere after my I AMs seeds will become my reality and I will claim my spiritual harvest, I AM free from the Law of Sin and Death, I AM victorious in Christ, I AM an Overcomer, I AM a citizen of Heaven and Heaven is my home. I AM an ambassador, a representative, a minister and a proclaimer of the word of God, I AM a watchman standing in the gap praying for the salvation and protection of those that I love, I AM a worshipper, I AM a student of the word of God, I AM blessed that Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith and that God knows my name.
More Examples of I AM Declarations:
I AM a warrior on the battlefield for the Lord, I AM equipped with the whole armor of God, I AM trained to use all weapons of spiritual warfare, I AM more than a Conqueror, I AM a mighty prayer warrior and God reacts to my prayers, I AM gifted by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, I AM on the pathway of life for those seeking salvation through Christ, I AM God’s light in dark places, I AM protected by God’s word that no weapon formed against me can prosper and every tongue that rise against me will not prevail, I AM committed to do my part in the advancement of God’s Kingdom, I AM courageous, I AM ready, I AM able and yes Lord, send me.
I AM blessed and highly favored, I AM a doer of the word, I AM anointed and authorized by God to speak those things into the atmosphere and I will trust that God will make my I AMs happen according to His perfect plans for my life, I AM a farmer and a producer of a heavenly harvest, I AM prosperous, I AM wealthy, I AM a multi-millionaire, I AM healthy and I AM wise, I AM the head and not the tail, I AM a lender not a borrower, I AM what I say that I AM, I AM followed by goodness and mercies all the days of my life, I AM a child of the King.
The greatest declarations that I can make is that I will Trust God and I AM for Christ and Christ is for me. Amen.
Session Conclusion
This concludes this session. This is one part of this three part session about The Power of I AM Series. Our three sessions are listed below. It is your choice to go to either session. It will depend on what session you started first. Please proceed to one of the following:
The Power of I AM Teaching Series
Session 1: The Power of I AM Discusses the importance of understanding that as a child of the King that you have the authority to declare the Power of I AM.
Session 2: The Importance of What Follows after I AM. Discussing of understanding what you attach to your I AM declaration will manifest and follow you.
Session 3: Reap Your I AM Harvest. This session focuses are on the point of reaping your spiritual I AM Harvest.
*We appreciate sharing this meal with you from our Father’s Table. Please proceed to either session below. You are doing what Apostle Paul says in (2 Timothy 2:15). Thank you in advance. It is our prayer that this session was a blessing to you. Amen
What is Next for You?
The Power of I AM
Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

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Words from Our Pastor: We Are Looking for Members to Join Our Team
We will be proud to add you to our team. We pray and hope that our site has been a blessing to you and your ministry. You have the authority from God to declare, decree and to connect your I AMs to the power of God. It is meaningless if you do not do what God has authorized you to do! Be blessed and remember that you are a child of the King. God has given you the Power to speak your I AMs into reality. Amen
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Lloyd C. Glover
Lloyd C. Glover Pastor
I AM for Christ Ministries
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