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The Power of I AM Teaching Series: Session 1
The Authority and Power to Declare I AM
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God used, declared, and confirmed in Exodus 3:14 that “I AM who I AM. “Jesus used, declared, and confirmed that he is “I AM” seven time as recorded in the Book of John demonstrating his deity that He is God. The bible in Romans 8:17
says that you are an heir and joint heirs with Jesus. This confirms your relationship with the Father as an heir and gives you the authority as a joint heir with Jesus to also use and declare the Power of I AM. Let me explain, it gets better.
God Declared that (I AM God). Jesus Declared I AM that (The Son of God), and now you can Declare that I AM that (a child of the King and Join heir with Jesus). Amen!
Here is Your Confirmation
There is no question that you are a child of God. Certainly! As a child of God, you can confidently declare, “I AM.” So what is the spiritual importance of saying ” I AM”?
1. It identifies your Identity in Christ:
- When you say, “I AM,” you affirm your identity as a child of God. You belong to Him.
- Remember that Jesus often used the phrase “I AM” to reveal His divine nature (e.g., “I am the bread of life,” “I am the way, the truth, and the life”).
2. It allows you to Claim God’s Promises:
- In the Bible, God revealed Himself to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14). This name signifies His eternal existence and unchanging nature.
- When you say, “I AM,” you align yourself with God’s promises. For example:
- “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
- “I am more than a conqueror through Him who loved me” (Romans 8:37).
3. It is a Confession of Faith:
- Saying “I AM” reflects your confession of faith. It’s a declaration of your relationship with God.
- Use this phrase to affirm biblical truths about your identity, purpose, and destiny.
Remember, as a Christian, you can boldly say, “I AM” because of your connection to the great “I AM”—the eternal God who loves you and calls you His own
This is Important
This is important. Listen to what is written about you in Romans 8:17 “and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ” and in Galatians 4:6. “And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our] hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” This makes us, meaning you and me, children of the King. We have been given some of the same privileges, rights, expectations, and characteristics of Jesus. No, I am not saying that we are little Jesuses. But what I am saying is that God has given us spiritual birth rights, benefits, privileges and limited powers and authority as sons and daughters of His. We can call upon Him as our Abba Father.
As children of the King, God has given us the legal rights to speak into the spiritual realm where God abides and where He hears our words spoken into the atmosphere. We must trust and believe by faith that God will hear our spoken words according to (Hebrews 11:6) “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” and (Matthew 7:7-8) and (1 John 5:14). So, speak it. God will hear you. The bottom line is that we must understand our God given rights and we must know how to spiritually exercise them! Amen
Spiritual Authority and Power to Speak Your I AMs to God
One of your rights that you have as a believer is that you are entitled to have access and intimacy with God. The bible in Ephesians 2:18 says “For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit” Now all of us can come to the Father through the same Holy Spirit because of what Christ has done for us on the cross. For through him we who believe in Christ have access in one Spirit to the Father. (Ephesians 2:18) gives us the rights and spiritual authority as a child of God to speak to Him directly. Just like you would speak directly to your natural father, but at a spiritual level.
Every time that you pray, declare, decree, or speak to God, you must do it in the spiritual realm. Ephesians 6:18 says “And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” When you add and speak (not meditate) your I AM declarations into the atmosphere, you must spiritually direct them to the Father, this will connect your spoken declarations to the power of God. God hears and attaches His power and authority to your I AMs. This is the spiritual authorization that allows you to speak the Power of I AM.
Can An Unsaved Person Declare the Power of I AM?
Let me share something that I believe is important and powerful that the Holy Spirit has revealed to my spirit. “A natural unsaved man, women or child is also a creation of God. He or she is just waiting for that moment when they too will bow their knee and confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God (Romans 14:11 and Philippians 2:11
). My prayer is that they will do this prior to breathing their last breath. They too can declare the power of I am when speaking to the Father, but they lack the spiritual birth rights that is spoken by Jesus in (John 3:3
) and the entitlement of spiritual intimacy, spiritual authority, spiritual power, and the spiritual connections that you as royalty have been granted by our Father God.”
I say this “You must be born again and a child from the Kingdom to exercise your rights to declare with power the Power of I AM.” Amen and Amen
The Power that follows I AM (That)
It is especially important that you understand that what you speak, attach and what follows after you speak your I AM (that) declarations is connected to the power of God, it will come to past and will manifest in due season because of your authority that was granted to you by Father God.
By using the Power of I AM, you are calling God by His name I AM. You must be bold as a child of the King. Declare with power your authority. Remember, you are royalty (1 Peter 2:9) because you are a son or daughter of the King.
Just saying I am (that) with small case letters (am) with no spiritual connection is just words and lacks the power and spiritual authority of boldly speaking from your spirit I AM (that). What follows your I AM declaration is (that). The (that) is what you are attaching to your I AM(s) and asking God to add his Power to your I AM declarations.
Positive vs. Negative I AMs
When you attach your I AM (that) to positive declarations you are claiming a spiritual victory over (that). Attaching a negative (that) is claiming defeat over whatever is following your I am. Let me give two examples of what I am saying. First example: I AM for Christ. For Christ is (that) meaning you are declaring that you are for Christ, and you have the victory over our common enemy. Second example: I AM healed. Healed is the (that), meaning you are declaring that you are HEALED, and that you have the victory over sickness and disease. Here is one example of a negative declaration. I am sick. Meaning you have given the enemy victory over your health, and you are NOT standing on God’s words that you are healed by His stripes according to His promised healing to you. Read (Isaiah 53:5). Amen
There is a spiritual connection and a difference in how you pronounce, declare, or decree your I AMs. You must have faith and belief that the Spirit of God will hear and act on your I AM (That) declarations. You should be like the expecting farmer watching with the expectation that God will give him a great harvest. You too must expect what that your I AM (that) seeds, spoken requests, declarations, decrees, or prayers will be fulfill or exceeded by God in due season by the Lord of the Harvest, in other words your spiritual harvest. Amen
Making Your I AM Declarations and Trusting God
I AM and I will Trust God statements when spoken boldly into the atmosphere directed to God will connected your I AM (that) declarations to the power of God. Declaring your I AM (that) declaration and I will Trust God declaration are the two most powerful declarations in the universe. Our destiny, our fate, our success, and our future can be fashioned by the things in which we speak, declare, decree, and attach to our I AM’s. We must also declare that I/we trust that God will act upon our spoken I AMs. We plant and declare our I AM seeds into the atmosphere. Using I AM (that) which are spiritual seeds and a powerful declaration. Example: I AM (blessed), I AM (a child of God), I AM (an overcomer) and I AM (for Christ). Using I AM (that) declaration is connecting our spoken declarations to the power of God. As God’s children, we are under the spiritual Law of Faith and the powerful Law of Seed-time and Harvest.
Again, remembering what the Holy Spirit had revealed to me. “A natural unsaved man, women or child is also a creation of God. He or she is just waiting for that moment when they too will bow their knee and confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God (Romans 14:11 and Philippians 2:11). They too can speak to the Father, but they lack the spiritual birth rights (John 3:3) and the entitlement of spiritual intimacy, spiritual authority, spiritual power and the spiritual connections that you as royalty have been granted by our Father God.” Amen and Amen
You are a Farmer – Prepare to Reap your Harvest
The Bible says that Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest. God will supernaturally intervene and make your declaration happen in due season. Isaiah 55:11 says, “So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.”
We must do our part as the farmer of the declaration. God has given us the Holy Spirit to empower us to say, do and believe in what we say and plant into the universe. What we say, believe, and attach after I AM (that) will be spiritually manifested by our faith in God. Always attach your I AM (that) to positive thoughts. I AM (that) attached to negative thoughts will always breed negative results. Like a successful farmer, you must prepare in advance to reap your harvest.
Your declarations regardless of if they are positive or negative declarations are declared into the atmosphere and they will not return empty. You are what you think about. You are who you say that you are, and you must believe and trust God that you will become I AM (that). SHOUT into the atmosphere! I AM blessed, and I have the spiritual authority from the Father to make my I AM’s my reality. In Jesus’s name. Amen
The Power to Declare I AM
Session Conclusion
This concludes this session. This is one part of this three-part session about The Power of I AM Series. Our three sessions are listed below. It is your choice to go to either session. It will depend on what session you started first. Please proceed to one of the following:
The Power of I AM Teaching Series
Session 1: The Power of I AM Discusses the importance of understanding that as a child of the King that you have the authority to declare the Power of I AM.
Session 2: The Importance of What Follows after I AM. Discussing what you attach to your I AM declaration will manifest and follow you.
Session 3: Reap Your I AM Harvest. This session focuses on the point of reaping your spiritual I AM Harvest.
*We appreciate sharing this meal with you from our Father’s Table. Please proceed to either session below. You are doing what Apostle Paul says in (2 Timothy 2:15). Thank you in advance. It is our prayer that this session was a blessing to you. Amen
What is Next for You?
The Power of I AM
Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Words from Our Pastor. We Are Looking for Members to Join Our Team
We will be proud to add you to our team. We pray and hope that our site has been a blessing to you and your ministry. You have the authority from God to declare, decree and to connect your I AMs to the power of God. It is meaningless if you do not do what God has authorized you to do! Be blessed and remember that you are a child of the King. God has given you the Power to speak your I AMs into reality. Amen
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Thank you in advance.
Lloyd C. Glover
Lloyd C. Glover Pastor
I AM for Christ Ministries
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