The Importance of your Salvation
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The Importance of Salvation
Language Translator
The most important condition of salvation is faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who lived a perfect life, died for our sins, and rose from the dead on the third day, so that we might have a chance to receive salvation from hell, where every one of us was destined to go, if not for the opportunity given to us by the blood shed on the cross by Jesus Christ, who gave his life for us. Ephesians 2:8-10 says: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Without grace and faith in God salvation is not possible. Whose grace? If this is a fallen world and we can produce nothing good apart from God, then this grace has to come from outside of us. This is God’s grace. Grace must come from the one you are indebted to.
The Importance of Grace and Faith
In order to have faith, you must first receive grace. Both grace and faith come from God. Saving grace was made possible through a one-time act of substitution, and faith is something God can produce in you through the Holy Spirit. So it is God who opens your eyes to His grace and gives you the means to have faith.
Through faith you believe that Jesus is who He said He is and that He did what the Bible said He did. You believe in Him for your salvation that He alone can remove death’s hold on you.
The result of salvation is good works
Those who are saved believe in Christ through faith alone by grace alone, and they continue to follow Jesus through obedience and good works. However, obedience and good works are not done in order to receive something or to climb the ladder higher than other believers. Followers of Christ obey and do good works because they are already loved; it is the response of a transformed soul to God’s existing and lasting love.
God gives us grace and the means to believe through faith, our faith is acted out through good works, which we do in obedience because of God’s great love for us. And we continue to live out our faith for God’s glory because we believe that what God has started in us, He will finish. Because God’s promises are true and lasting, we can have complete assurance in our salvation and our heavenly futures.
How to Share Your Faith
Sharing your faith can be a beautiful and fulfilling experience. Here are some steps that might help you:
Build Relationships: Start by forming genuine connections with people. Show interest in their lives and listen to their stories.
Share Personal Experiences: Talk about how your faith has impacted your life. Personal stories can be very powerful and relatable.
Be Prepared: Understand your beliefs and be ready to explain them clearly. Know key Bible verses that encapsulate the message of the Gospel.
Live Your Faith: Actions often speak louder than words. Let your lifestyle reflect your faith through acts of love, kindness, and integrity.
Be Respectful: Respect other people’s beliefs and be patient. Faith is a personal journey, and everyone is at a different stage.
Use Resources: Hand out literature, recommend books, or share videos that have helped you understand and grow in your faith.
Pray: Pray for guidance, wisdom, and opportunities to share your faith. Trust that God will open doors for meaningful conversations.
Invite: Invite people to church, Bible study groups, or faith-based events where they can learn more in a supportive community.
The Holy Spirit’s Role in Salvation
It is the Holy Spirit not you to convicts and convinces someone of their need for salvation. You can play an important role by sharing your faith. The Holy Spirit works in the hearts of individuals to reveal their need for forgiveness and to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. This process is often referred to as the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment, as mentioned in the Bible:
John 16:8, which says:
“And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” (ESV)
It is important to remember this, “sharing your faith isn’t about convincing someone to believe exactly as you do. It’s about sharing your story, planting seeds, and trusting that God will work in their hearts”. Amen
Study Tools for Your Understanding:
- Review one or more videos on What is Salvation?
- Review one or more video sermons on What is Salvation?
- Review How to Witness to Someone about Salvation.
- Read three or more bible verses on Salvation.
- Review one or more Web resources on Salvation.
Once you have reviewed the video lessons below and complete this lesson we would like to present you with a Certificate of Excellence. See certificate at bottom of this page. You may begin the video lessons.
1. Video Lessons What is Salvation?
2. Video Sermons on What is Salvation?
3. How to Witness to Someone about Salvation
4. Bible Verses on Your Studies
Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21, Romans 10:9, Acts 22:16, John 3:16-17, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8, Acts 4:12, Galatians 3:27, Romans 10:8-10, Acts 2:41, James 2:18, Acts 2:1-47, Isaiah 55:6-7,Romans 10:11-13, James 2:24, Matthew 7:21, Luke 10:25-28, John 3:5 and Luke 8:13.
5. Resources on Salvation
Congratulations for Completing this Lesson

We appreciate sharing this meal with you from our Father’s Table. Please proceed to either session below. Thank you in advance. it is our prayer that this session was a blessing to you. Amen
We ask that you proceed to the next lesson the Message on Salvation. Be blessed and may God give you a greater revelations of his grace and mercy. Amen
The Message on Salvation.
This is a tool to help you to share your faith.