Webpage Memoirs of a Soldier and an Ambassador for Christ
Welcome to my webpage. My book title is Memoirs of a Soldier and an Ambassador for Christ. I am excited and feel blessed that you are here visiting my website. God has blessed me and has commission me to put my life story in this book. I mentioned in chapter 1, The Beginning of my Story that God is the author and finisher of my faith, and the Commander of my salvation and my life. He has blessed me and He has equipped me to share my story. I also believed by faith that the Holy Spirit is the coauthor of my book. I felt His presence while I penned each chapter. The purpose of my book is to remind believers about Jesus’s commandment about the Great Commission recorded in Matthew 28: 16-20, and to be a teaching tool about the goodness, grace and mercies of the One that sits High and lifted up on His throne in Heaven.
I was also inspired by Dr. Myles Munroe’s quote that I included below that talks about the graveyard. The fact is everyone of us has a story worth sharing. The question is where will your God given story (book) wind up at the end? Will it be the graveyard or will it be in an award winning book? How many of you said I am going to write a book. It can’t write itself. Please accept my challenge if you have not already, to begin writing your book or life story. The world will be blessed the more if you do. I want you to be bold. Look in the mirror and declare and decree with pride the gospel truth that “I am an Ambassador for Christ.” according to 2 Corinthians 5:20 and that I can do all thing through Christ who strength me according to Philippians 4:13. Amen
I farther ask that if this book was a blessing to you that you would gracefully share my book with other and that you would positively rate my book on whatever format or retail website that you purchased my book from. May the words contained in this God anointed book be a blessing to you. Thank you in advance, your brother in Christ. Amen
Lloyd C. Glover
Lloyd C. Glover
Pastor, Author, Gulf War Veteran and Army Retiree

Here are two chapters from my audiobook Memoirs of a Soldier and an Ambassador for Christ . Click on the play button below to enjoy.
Chapter 1 of 23 Chapters - The Beginning of my Life Story
Chapter 5 of 23 Chapters - The Beginning of the Gulf War
My audiobook can be purchased from the following audiobook retailers.

Please Visit Our Other Websites The Great Commission Pledge and I AM for Christ Ministries Below