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A Message from our Pastor
Many of them may have had the opportunity to accept Christ as their Savior but did not at the time or may have changed their minds over time due to one reason or another. God’s greatest gift to humanity was the sacrifice of his Son Jesus. John 3:16: “ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life”.
We all have work to do in getting God’s message of love out, so that no one will perish due to a lack of information about Salvation.
Listen to me very carefully my sister or brother. Here is the gospel truth. Once you accepted Christ as your Savior, you became a new creation and an authorized representative of His. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. There is nothing in the bible that says you must be perfect or you must know it all. Could it be one cup of soup, one kind word to a foster child or could it be your outstretched hands of love while serving someone in a Homeless Shelter, or one text message, one Facebook posting or one web link to an unsaved or backslidden, loved ones, friend, co-worker or to a perfect stranger from you that could make the difference that changes their eternity? Could it be your assignment to be that light while serving or witnessing to someone?
We are proud to say that we are in sixty-three countries around the world. Our members want to stand in agreement with you in your assignment serving and blessing God’s people. Help us spread the gospel by sharing our website with others. www.iamforchrist.org. If you are interested in joining our team go to our membership’s Certificate page listed below. We will be proud to add you to our team.
Our prayer is that the information that is available to you from our website will be a blessing to you in your assignment while serving God’s people. Amen
Lloyd C. Glover
Pastor Lloyd C. Glover
I AM for Christ Ministries and The Great Commission Pledge
Click here to visit our Certificate Program ⋆ I AM for Christ Ministries
God Blessed me to write a book. It is available as a printed, audiobook and an eBook

Prayer Warrior’s Prayer
Mailing Address
I AM for Christ Ministries (The Great Commission Pledge) P.O. Box 54 Groveport, Ohio 43125